My Favorite Gut-Healing Recipes
If you suffer from chronic gut issues, meals that used to be enjoyable can suddenly trigger feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear. Because when your gut is out of whack, you never know which foods will result in an unexpected trip to the bathroom or a splitting headache that won’t go away. Unfortunately, no foods feel safe. I know just how frustrating it can be because I’ve experienced this firsthand.
If you or anyone in your family is suffering from on-going symptoms like brain fog, acne, irritability, PMS, headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, and rashes, there is a good chance your gut could use some healing. Luckily, foods are powerful and your diet is a great place to start this healing process.
To quickly and efficiently heal your gut, it’s best to avoid certain foods, like:
Refined sugar
Processed foods
Excess caffeine
I know that adhering to such strict dietary guidelines might feel torturous and unenjoyable. However, dealing with leaky gut, candida, or general gut discomfort does not mean you have to miss out on the enjoyment of yummy foods. In fact, you can actually enjoy delicious foods, while your gut is healing! I promise!
So, what can you eat to heal your gut?
Fill your plate with the foods, like:
Grass-fed beef
Pasture-raised poultry and eggs
Wild-caught seafood
Dark, leafy greens
Organic low-glycemic fruits and vegetables
Nuts and seeds
Sprouted grains and legumes
Healthy oils, like avocado, coconut, and olive
Dark chocolate (yes, you read that right - cacao can actually act like a pre-biotic and feed good gut bugs causing an increase in short-chain fatty acid production which is great!)
While home-cooked meals may be your safest bet while healing your gut, there are plenty of recipes available to satisfy your cravings. Foods no longer have to be intimidating or scary. You can take my word for it. There are many gut-healing foods that taste delicious and also do the dirty work for you- repairing, restoring, and replenishing your broken down gut. Below are some of my favorites recipes filled with gut-healing ingredients:
Gut-Healing Recipes
Fearless Fig Recipes:
If you are looking to go even deeper into healing and have a detailed guide of exactly what to eat, check out my Fearless Gut course (use code drwarsh10 for 10% off the course). I have included 40+ recipes and 4 weeks worth of meals plans that will tell you exactly what to eat.
If you are ready to:⠀
Find new ways to use your non-perishables⠀
Eat foods that supports your immune system and digestion
Find recipes with 10 ingredients or less⠀
Have your total prep time take less than 35 minutes⠀
Get excited about your meals again
Then this course is perfect for you! The Fearless Gut course brings together the most effective tools from my private practice that I have spent years developing and the most current research in the digestive health space. You will not only receive 4 weeks of meal plans, supplement guidelines, poop charts and hands-on activities but you will receive a deeper understanding of how stress, hormones and food create imbalances in the body.
Week 1 focuses on setting the foundations for healthy digestion. We discuss causes of digestive imbalances, how to create a healthy plate and some easy throw-together meals.
Week 2 focuses on balancing the mind. We go through basic supplements to promote digestive health, the mind-gut connection and how to shift your mindset around your health.
Week 3 is all about stress and hormones. Learn more about how to build out an effective stress tool-box, and how blood sugar and hormones can be effectively balanced to maintain gut health.
Week 4 focuses on understanding your body. You learn about what your poop is telling you and how functional testing can support you in your journey.
Don't waste any more time suffering on your own, get empowered and join the course! (use code drwarsh10 for 10% off the course)
All of these recipes are packed with gut-healing nutrients and plenty of flavor to keep your tastebuds happy. And don’t worry, you don’t have to change your diet all at once. Start by picking one new recipe each week, and before you know it, your whole diet will be filled with gut-healing foods!
So, which recipe will you try first?