Fearless Health YOUniversity

Where high-achieving women can cut through the wellness industry noise and find exactly what works for their body through functional labs

☀ Are you frustrated with the lack of clarity you have around your health? 

☀ Do you feel like you haven't been able to achieve wellness in a long time? 

☀ Are you thinking about starting a family someday but worried your health may hold you back?

☀ Is the internet your new doctor?

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It doesn’t have to be this way. I invite you to tune out the noise and step into total body empowerment.

Take a deep breath, I got you!

 Now Imagine If:

✔️ You had the tools to understand your body and didn't have to rely on Google and Goop for the latest wellness trends to fix your digestion

✔️ You knew exactly what to eat based on your own food sensitivities, digestive health, and genetics 

✔️You felt confident in your ability to make real long-lasting change because you had data on how your body functions  

✔️ You had an experienced practitioner to guide you along your journey and support your personal health goals 

 Fearless Health YOUniveristy is a 6 month, one-on-one coaching program where I take you through my proven 5 step process to reclaim your health. Through functional lab testing, bi-weekly sessions, custom meal plans, lifestyle changes, natural remedies and nutrients we get to the root cause of your health imbalances. Oh yeah, and we talk about poop, lots of poop! 

Doesn't it sound nice to have a plan? 


How it works 

Our body is made-up of beautiful systems that work together to achieve optimal health. As high-achieving women, our bodies can get out of balance due to the high demands of our stressful lifestyles. I have spent years perfecting my proven 5 step process to get body systems back into balance.


Step 1: Calm
Removing Burden

Reduce toxic exposure, shift lifestyle habits, & understand baseline health imbalances.

LABS: Comprehensive Blood Work, Food Sensitivities


Step 2: Clear

Building Stress Resilience 

Shift body into a regenerative state, increase resilience, and rebalance stress hormones.

LABS: Sex Hormones, Adrenal / Cortisol


Step 3: Correct Gut Restoration

Balance microbiome, reduce inflammation, gut irritants, and optimize nutrient absorption.

LABS: Stool Testing


Step 4: Cleanse

Support detox pathways to aid in toxin removal, expand diet, and give your body the exact foods it needs to stay in balance.

LABS: Organic acids


Step 5: Continual

Life is dynamic and I want to make sure you feel confident moving forward. You will learn how to modify your healthy habits, so you feel prepared for any situation that arises.

LABS: Functional genomics


Change doesn't happen overnight. In fact we measure change in our clients & found:

After 3 months: 55% improvement in symptoms

After 6 month: 74% improvement in symptoms

**Red Indicates High Priority || Orange Indicates Moderate Priority || Green Indicates Low Priority

This is why we offer 6 month programs - to ensure we are creating habits for long-term sustainable health. 

*Data was collected via Body Systems Questionnaires provided at baseline, 3 months and 6 months.

Long-Term Sustainable Health

Our 6 month program is designed to: 

  • Create a personalized strategy to reclaim your digestion, energy, hormones and mood that is guided by YOUR lifestyle and functional lab results.

  • Learn how to interpret your symptoms, so you always know EXACTLY what your body needs.​

  • Work with someone who cares deeply for your inner fulfillment, purpose, mission and holistic transformation.

Quick peak inside of what you get...


Functional Lab Work 

This program INCLUDES 6 different functional tests to get the full picture of your health.


Personalized Support

Weekly or bi-weekly calls with Sarah, AKA Figgy, to fit your lifestyle.


Customized Meal Plans and Protocols

Taking your personal food sensitivities and creating custom meal plans along with your data to create custom protocols to move you through each of the 5 steps.

 Find Out What Others Are Saying



I have had digestive challenges my entire life and tried just about everything - changing my diet, incorporating different vitamins, teas, etc. It wasn't until I was helped by Sarah aka the Fearless Fig that I saw la.png