Low Glycemic (Sugar) Fruits


I hate when fruits get demonized. “Don’t eat that banana, it will make you gain weight.” “If you eat fruit, you will get diabetes.” All of these misconceptions lead to confusion about nutrition and what it means to be healthy. Anything you overdo, will become unhealthy, but fruit will not make you fat. If you would like to see a better description, check out the video I did for NutriBullet about this topic.


There is merit to looking at fruits based on sugar content using the glycemic index as a standard for measurement. However, fruits that are higher on the index, can still be consumed in healthy amounts. Today we are going to explore some of my favorite lower glycemic fruits.

Green Apples

  • Contain phytonutrients that can help stabilize blood sugars

  • Good source of soluble fiber that can keep certain fat molecules in the GI tract, allowing them to pass through the body without getting absorbed

  • Glycemic Index of 39 (low is considered 55 or less)



  • Good source of potassium, which can help keep blood sugar in check

  • Due to their high fiber content, they can be a beneficial aid in weight loss

  • Glycemic Index of 60 (low end of Intermediate, 55-70)



  • With their high antioxidant content, specifically anthocyanins, they may be beneficial in improving memory

  • Frozen blueberries have been shown to maintain their antioxidant content

  • Glycemic Index of 40 (low is considered 55 or less)

I would love to hear some fun ways you use these fruits in your daily diet. Please comment below and lets share health with others!

#Breakfast #Yogurt #HealthyEating #fruit #doesfruitmakeyoufat #weightgain #lowglycemicfruit #lowglyceminc


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