Defining Your Why- Reflecting on New Years Resolutions


There is a certain energy in the air the first couple weeks of January. Everywhere you look there is an inspirational message reminding you that anything is possible. New Year, New You, right?! It is easy to get wrapped up in this message and it feels good to envision endless possibilities. So why do most people abandon their new years resolutions only a few weeks into the new year? My theory is because they have not established their WHY.

One of the first questions I ask all my prospective clients is, “Why do you want to change your nutrition and health?” The answer gives me insight into how successful and committed someone will be to a plan that we create together. I have seen many clients get really excited in the beginning, but lose their connection to the process. However, when we establish a powerful WHY, the success rate is much higher. So I am applying this concept to the New Year vibes and asking you to really think about your WHY. From my own personal experience and working with clients I can tell you the types of WHY’s that work and those that don’t.

WHYs that don’t work

  • I want to change because that is what everyone else is doing.

  • If I can take more pictures of healthy food and yoga poses, I can up my social media following.

  • I want to impress someone with my commitment and show them I can do it (this can work, but it doesn’t usually lead to happiness and fulfillment).

  • I want to look like someone in a magazine or on social media because then I will be happy.

WHYs that work

  • I want to have the energy to play with my grandchildren.

  • I want to show my children that change is possible and the best form of love is self-love and that starts with caring for my body.

  • I want to be present/healthy in my life so I can give love, attention and energy to those who need it.

  • I want to show up for myself.

  • I want to combat feeling tired and in pain so I can be a part of my life.

If you look at the two categories you will notice that the WHYs that don’t work are external validation based. The WHYs that do work are internal and personal, bettering oneself regardless of what others think. This is truly the key to success and happiness. When you can begin to put yourself first and meet your needs, then you can be a better person going out into the world everyday.

I believe that nutrition is one of the best places to start practicing self-love. Putting the right foods into your body is where it all starts. If you are thinking about making a change and have any questions about the process, don’t hesitate to reach out. I am happy and honored to be your tour guide on your journey to health and wellness.


#Newyearsresolutions #defineyourwhy


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